YouTube Video: Unveiling the power of Death Doulas & Grief Counselors It was a pleasure to speak with Sabine about
A Dying and Grieving Counselor supports the dying person on their last journey. Like a midwife, but we are helping the dying at the end of his or her life to go to the other side.
We will also support the family members or friends with their loss and grief. We would like to bring the death back into our lives – we don’t want that this topic is still unspeakable.
My name is Melanie Hoericht, I’m 48 years old and I have lived with my husband and our 5 cats for 13 years in Dubai.
I am a forwarding merchant (Speditionskauffrau) and since January 2024 I’m working as Dying and Grieving Counselor as well as Funeral Speaker.
This is my heartfelt wish, to support the dying and their loved ones.
My heartfelt wish is grief counselling. Grieving is multifaceted, we are grieving because of different circumstances in our lives:
Together we will walk your way
Offering worldwide services via zoom Please send me an Email.
YouTube Video: Unveiling the power of Death Doulas & Grief Counselors It was a pleasure to speak with Sabine about
Grief over a job loss Together with Agni Skafidas we are talking about grief, the moment we lose our job.